Master of Divinity Degree


我们的神学硕士课程是事工学位的“黄金标准”. 它的目的是装备神的国度的工人为各种各样的职业事工的角色,包括地方教会、副教会组织、宣教团和牧师.g. military, hospital).


Master of Divinity Degree

Our Master of Divinity program is the “黄金标准” for ministry degrees. 它的目的是 equip God’s Kingdom workers 对于一个 wide variety of vocational ministerial roles,包括地方教会、副教会组织、宣教团和牧师.g. military, hospital).

What Makes Our Degree Unique:

  • 在周二和周四上课的队列模式,因为 we learn best in a thriving community.
  • 因为硕士水平的教育应该建立在坚实的基础上, the curriculum features advanced courses while 避免重复本科入门课程.
  • Students study the Bible, 神学, 和实践神学,因为 real-life ministry requires integrated thinking.
  • 我们对圣经语言有一个引人入胜的翻转课堂 because we learn best in safe spaces of trial and error.
  • 学生在三个学徒阶段培养他们的领导技能, 在一个事工领袖手下服侍,获得超过450小时的实践经验,因为 practitioners need intentional practice.
  • 学生们能够与资深十大赌博网站和社区牧师/领袖进行为期一周的强化课程,因为 we believe academic theology belongs to the church.

约翰福音, 例如, is co-taught with Worship and Discipleship.

** In 2020, 例如, 《博彩平台网址大全》这门课汇集了许多资深十大赌博网站, 当地的牧师, 辅导员, and community leaders, to reflect theologically in the areas of worship, 门徒, 咨询, and community engagement. In 2015, 《十大赌博网站》和《十大赌博网站》这门课程将新约研究和神学反思结合在一起, 学生们前往迈阿密探索教会如何为弱势群体服务, 流离失所的, 和脆弱.

Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)

MDiv学生有一个独特的机会,通过临床教牧教育(CPE)在各种临床环境中发展和整合神学知识和教牧技能。, 包括:

  • 医院
  • Extended care facilities
  • Social-service organizations
  • Social-justice organizations
  • Congregational settings

Dual and Joint Master's 度

  • Master of Divinity/Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Divinity/M.S., Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Master of Divinity/M.S.,领导
  • Master of Divinity/M.A., Intercultural Studies
  • Master of Divinity/M.A., Philosophy of Religion


  • Bivocational ministry
  • Volunteer leadership in churches or non-profit ministries
  • Further graduate work in biblical studies or theology


  • 您可能有资格获得新的年度2,000美元奖学金
  • Graduate student worker opportunities

Four Master of Divinity Concentrations:

  • Bible Translation
  • Intercultural Studies
  • Biblical and Theological Studies
  • Philosophy of Religion


因为MDiv强调学术研究和实践事工的综合性质, 学生将在经批准的导师指导下进行三次学徒. PBA makes every effort to help those students find meaningful apprenticeship opportunities 这将有助于他们在特定的呼召中成长.

Paracurricular Initiatives

Our learning community comes together 对于一个n annual Faith and Culture Forum. 在这个为期一天的活动中,我们邀请十大赌博网站和领导到我们的校园来 address important contemporary issues. The 2020 forum was “A Dialogue on Racism: Looking Back, Looking Forward.” We welcomed Jemar Tisby (author of The Color of Compromise)、牧师博士. John Nunes (President, Concordia College, NY), and Dr. 奥斯卡·加西亚·约翰逊(西班牙裔教会研究中心助理教务长)说, Fuller Theological Seminary).

最后一晚是在历史悠久的会幕传教浸信会教堂举行的小组讨论,社区领袖和牧师参加了讨论. The 2020 forum was “War and Peace.“我们欢迎Nigel Biggar教授(牛津大学). J. Daryl Charles (Acton Institute), Dr. Janna Hunter-Bowman (Mennonite Biblical Seminary), and Dr. Myles Werntz (Logsdon Seminary). Breakout lectures covered topics such as immigration, humanitarian intervention, 无人机战争, 和调解.

然而,我们每周活动的核心是社区教堂和午餐. Chapel is led by a student chapel team, 我们还邀请了当地的社区领袖来讲述我们学生的生活. Following worship, we continue in our fellowship with community lunch, which is provided by the school (at a subsidized price). 学生和教师围坐在桌子旁分享他们的生活.

教师 Members Doing Cutting-Edge Work in the Real World

Dr. 布列塔尼N. 梅尔顿

Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies

Dr. 布列塔尼N. 梅尔顿(博士, 剑桥大学将举办2020年廷代尔旧约讲座, “Towards an Old Testament 神学 of Hospitality.” She is currently writing the New Handbook on the Wisdom Books and Psalms (Baker 学术) and a commentary on Esther (Bible in God’s World Series; Cascade). Dr. 梅尔顿担任廷代尔团契旧约小组的联合主席, is on the ETS Wisdom Committee, and is an elder at Providencia Church (ECO Presbyterian). 


Dr. 瑞安Gladwin

Associate Professor of Ministry and 神学

Dr. 瑞安Gladwin (PhD, Edinburgh) is the author of Streams of Latin American Protestant 神学 (Brill) and the forthcoming 走向解放的拉丁美洲教会学:地方教会作为变革的历史工程 (故事). 他在编辑的书籍中有许多章节,并有广泛的研究兴趣,包括拉丁美洲和拉丁语 宗教和神学,再洗礼,五旬节派,基督教伦理和实践神学. 他曾在拉丁裔社区的门诺派美国东南会议中任职,并在移民和种族和解问题上积极行动. He is a member of the American Academy of Religion, the Society of Christian Ethics, and the Latin American Theological Fraternity. Dr Gladwin is also the Coordinator of the BA, 事工(西班牙语)和基督教社会事工计划.

Dr. 凯西·麦克斯韦

Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies

Dr. 凯西·麦克斯韦 (PhD, 贝勒)教导学生圣经讲故事的技巧,作为批判性研究的一种新方法, 也让更多的人知道上帝的故事. She is a member of the Network of Biblical Storytellers International她是2019年的年度主题发言人,她为此做出了贡献 Biblical Performance Criticism. 整整八年, 她曾担任SBL表演批评和圣经及其他古代文本部分的指导委员会成员. 在当地,她是PBA全国计划委员会的成员 Art of Storytelling Conference今年是该活动的第三年,它专注于不同的讲故事模式.g. 小说、非小说、绘画、雕塑、舞蹈、新闻). Area churches and community groups regularly invite Dr. 讲圣经故事,并训练其他人也这样做. 她参加了美国发展最快的联合基督教会教会“希望社区”.

The Master of Divinity Degree is a 72 credit-hour degree.

Undergraduate Requirements:

  1. 在地区认可的机构获得基督教事工或圣经研究学士学位,或在其他专业获得学士学位,并成功完成指定的24小时, 本科或研究生阶段的必修课程
  2. Achieve cumulative undergraduate minimum GPA of 2.75 or above on a 4.0规模

The estimated tuition for the entire M.Div. program is $41,580*. 这包括72学时的学费(每学分515美元)和资源费(每学期298美元)。. 这是基于两年全日制加速学位计划.

*费用基于2019-2020年的收费表,可能会有变化. Additional fees may apply.

经济援助可能包括勤工俭学项目和学生贷款. Students must apply for financial aid each year at to determine eligibility. 联系 with all financial questions.

课程可以在西十大赌博网站的校园内进行,也可以作为一个混合平台, 将同步在线与西十大赌博网站的定期学习周相结合.

Master of Divinity

For more information, please call.

电话: (561) 803-2082

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